welcome the government move to introduce a curriculum of Mandarin and Tamil languages in national schools. At least it helps the Malay Muslims in control of the language, although probably not sepandai those at the national-type schools.
The question is, sometimes the government began to open and look forward, what is the position of Malay in national-type schools?
Is it wise for Malay as the national language is taught only three times a week with a syllabus that is easy compared to the national school syllabus? Any additional time learning the Malay language and the standardization of the syllabus are considered a burden and threaten the native language. What will exist after this situation, the Malays can not speak Malay, while those at the national-type schools are located in the notch or maybe how long?
This is the dilemma to be faced and haunt the education system in our country. While the whole world is aware that the education system based on the history of the national language is integral to building a nation.
Further more the subject of history 'Malaysia My country' wanted to be a subject in every school to produce a spirit of patriotism and pride. This subject has also categorically rejected the national type schools unless they are taught in the native language. While we know the history-based education is about the future of the country.
How to be born blind patriotism if our history? Some of the nation is its history, it must be preserved as a legacy of future generations, unless we want to delete the history and create new history as the country attempts ultra kiasu south of our country.
Their trial is successful so far. Rejecting the history means that we reject our origins and our beloved country. Through the comments in blogs and blog ultra kiasu me about the article last week titled Should memorial Tan Cheng Lock?, It appears this group of ultra kiasu look so angry when I called for us to appreciate the history as the basis for the life of nation. My blog is not struck and digodam polite and civilized, even though I did not invite them access. Stop reading if deemed contrary to instinct. There is no compulsion.
What I have try to understand history. In them, history is not important because it has passed. Remembering the past will be lost and we move back. What is more important is the future of the country. We will not in any deals with the past.
Their thinking is so shallow. This is the ultra kiasu I always thought that we care. How can we be confronting the present and future if there is no past?
What is the agenda for this historic turn or spin-belitkannya? Any nation in the world is not able to escape from history. History is the basis and pillar of national strength. History is compulsory in the basic subjects that must be learned like it or not.
They must pass this subject than we are making history as the subject of choice. At the primary level, the history is not taught directly. What is the appearance of his ultra kiasu today because they do not understand or ignore history?
I believe this problem arises because of our historical blindness or maybe we intentionally blind. By definition, we do not try to understand other people or other nations. If there was an attempt to strengthen the history, we feel threatened, when we know that if you want to camp, history is the basis pemerkasaannya.
Hard head
We want to be in his own world that eventually become a hard head, do not want to give in and feel yourself just right, the other all wrong.
If we open up the past, we will see events that happen to people, could be the biggest factor to raise demands and develop the spirit. Not surprising if any scholars who say that history is the army of God on earth. There is no man that can fight history.
According to Peter N Stearns, the Association of American History, history should be studied because it is essential to individuals and to society, and because it harbors beauty. In his history is a testimony and never cheat. History can avoid misunderstanding and conflicts among people and make our lives better.
With the history we learn about the future, because past history of driving future. Man who never learn from history will not have the inspiration and spirit to create and fight. Muslims should be able to take many lessons from history to re-create the glory of what was achieved previously. Let the pumpkin ultra kiasu-labunya. Tembelangnya sure someday be broken.
Even the commander of the war and strategic analysts, learn from the history of the war to the war, both on the political, tactical, food, culture and its enemies, even to the small things are taken into account, as well as the strength of the enemy.
So we must learn the importance of history. Jewish people who were arrogant as to learn from history. Should we Muslims have more to learn from history because we have a history of greatness and glory that does not compare with a standard.
What a sad day, Muslims do not learn from history. History as a tool for revenge. They are being used rather than cooperation among people of religion.
It seems that trying the experiment of ultra kiasu keep Muslims out of the successful history. They shift our thinking to the history of other civilizations that have been modified, such as the history of West and East, the industrial revolution, world war and the struggle for independence, colonialism orientalis, socialists and others.
They pretend to close the eyes and, if possible, not to mention the least civilization and indigenous struggle and Islam. They only civilized, others do not. If there was an attempt to reveal the history of Islam, it is misleading to try to Muslims hate and embarrassed to learn the history of Islam. Attempts to replicate the style of the reign of Umar Abdul Aziz only to dilute our own.
Do we remember the small country of Japan were once able to give in the country of Russia? Then, Japan was shaken by the defeat in the Second World War with the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Why Japanese can come through the destruction? I am confident that Japan learn from the history of his victory over Russia.
In contrast to the ultra kiasu in our country. They tried to brain wash us by saying, "We will not progress if we always look backwards." While we know the developed countries like the United States (U.S.) always require people to learn from history. Their defeat in the Vietnam War to the impact of these arrogant people even though they dominate the technology of war and chemical weapons.
History can not be deleted, and always engraved in their minds. Film character Rambo was an attempt to raise their image.
Let us think why the U.S. is not alone in their attack Muslim countries see the small and poor as Afghanistan and Iraq? Iran may be next. The U.S. often involve European countries and some Asian countries to work together to attack the country. Actually, if viewed in terms of military strength and weapons, they can do alone?
This is the strategy of today's ultra kiasu, we try to further their interests. They know, if acting alone, so difficult to bear fruit.
Hence, various strategies used to find partners and melt hearts with their good show as if seen sincere, even before they are enemies of Islam expressly rejected the blanket.
A handful of people they want to be respected. They do not want our society to return the historical struggle of the past. What more if associated with the Malays and Islam. If possible, they want to say this country's history is multi-ethnic nature. None of the original owner. Lord of Aboriginal origin only.
Remember you all are ultra kiasu brother, is the history lesson about our past. As we learn more about the history of our own. The success of past generations can be learned and our passion for creating success today.
The failure of past generations may also be lessons and example that we do not repeat the same mistakes.
It is human nature, they are more concerned about is future than the past. While learning the history of the past. Why do we want to busy-busy in the past when it does not happen again.
In Islam, God wants us to learn and teaching, especially to those who see.
History of non-specialist surgeons, specialist roads or crime prevention specialist. Because people look to their complacency. History is actually more difficult than engineering and medical science. It can not be viewed by generations who do not pass over the design and creation.
History contains information about the people and communities and their behavior. If history does not matter why the ancestors become so important. Up there saying, heritage properties can be searched, but fathers can not be sold to purchase.
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