welcome the government move to introduce a curriculum of Mandarin and Tamil languages in national schools. At least it helps the Malay Muslims in control of the language, although probably not sepandai those at the national-type schools.
The question is, sometimes the government began to open and look forward, what is the position of Malay in national-type schools?
Is it wise for Malay as the national language is taught only three times a week with a syllabus that is easy compared to the national school syllabus? Any additional time learning the Malay language and the standardization of the syllabus are considered a burden and threaten the native language. What will exist after this situation, the Malays can not speak Malay, while those at the national-type schools are located in the notch or maybe how long?
This is the dilemma to be faced and haunt the education system in our country. While the whole world is aware that the education system based on the history of the national language is integral to building a nation.
Further more the subject of history 'Malaysia My country' wanted to be a subject in every school to produce a spirit of patriotism and pride. This subject has also categorically rejected the national type schools unless they are taught in the native language. While we know the history-based education is about the future of the country.
How to be born blind patriotism if our history? Some of the nation is its history, it must be preserved as a legacy of future generations, unless we want to delete the history and create new history as the country attempts ultra kiasu south of our country.
Their trial is successful so far. Rejecting the history means that we reject our origins and our beloved country. Through the comments in blogs and blog ultra kiasu me about the article last week titled Should memorial Tan Cheng Lock?, It appears this group of ultra kiasu look so angry when I called for us to appreciate the history as the basis for the life of nation. My blog is not struck and digodam polite and civilized, even though I did not invite them access. Stop reading if deemed contrary to instinct. There is no compulsion.
What I have try to understand history. In them, history is not important because it has passed. Remembering the past will be lost and we move back. What is more important is the future of the country. We will not in any deals with the past.
Their thinking is so shallow. This is the ultra kiasu I always thought that we care. How can we be confronting the present and future if there is no past?
What is the agenda for this historic turn or spin-belitkannya? Any nation in the world is not able to escape from history. History is the basis and pillar of national strength. History is compulsory in the basic subjects that must be learned like it or not.
They must pass this subject than we are making history as the subject of choice. At the primary level, the history is not taught directly. What is the appearance of his ultra kiasu today because they do not understand or ignore history?
I believe this problem arises because of our historical blindness or maybe we intentionally blind. By definition, we do not try to understand other people or other nations. If there was an attempt to strengthen the history, we feel threatened, when we know that if you want to camp, history is the basis pemerkasaannya.
Hard head
We want to be in his own world that eventually become a hard head, do not want to give in and feel yourself just right, the other all wrong.
If we open up the past, we will see events that happen to people, could be the biggest factor to raise demands and develop the spirit. Not surprising if any scholars who say that history is the army of God on earth. There is no man that can fight history.
According to Peter N Stearns, the Association of American History, history should be studied because it is essential to individuals and to society, and because it harbors beauty. In his history is a testimony and never cheat. History can avoid misunderstanding and conflicts among people and make our lives better.
With the history we learn about the future, because past history of driving future. Man who never learn from history will not have the inspiration and spirit to create and fight. Muslims should be able to take many lessons from history to re-create the glory of what was achieved previously. Let the pumpkin ultra kiasu-labunya. Tembelangnya sure someday be broken.
Even the commander of the war and strategic analysts, learn from the history of the war to the war, both on the political, tactical, food, culture and its enemies, even to the small things are taken into account, as well as the strength of the enemy.
So we must learn the importance of history. Jewish people who were arrogant as to learn from history. Should we Muslims have more to learn from history because we have a history of greatness and glory that does not compare with a standard.
What a sad day, Muslims do not learn from history. History as a tool for revenge. They are being used rather than cooperation among people of religion.
It seems that trying the experiment of ultra kiasu keep Muslims out of the successful history. They shift our thinking to the history of other civilizations that have been modified, such as the history of West and East, the industrial revolution, world war and the struggle for independence, colonialism orientalis, socialists and others.
They pretend to close the eyes and, if possible, not to mention the least civilization and indigenous struggle and Islam. They only civilized, others do not. If there was an attempt to reveal the history of Islam, it is misleading to try to Muslims hate and embarrassed to learn the history of Islam. Attempts to replicate the style of the reign of Umar Abdul Aziz only to dilute our own.
Do we remember the small country of Japan were once able to give in the country of Russia? Then, Japan was shaken by the defeat in the Second World War with the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Why Japanese can come through the destruction? I am confident that Japan learn from the history of his victory over Russia.
In contrast to the ultra kiasu in our country. They tried to brain wash us by saying, "We will not progress if we always look backwards." While we know the developed countries like the United States (U.S.) always require people to learn from history. Their defeat in the Vietnam War to the impact of these arrogant people even though they dominate the technology of war and chemical weapons.
History can not be deleted, and always engraved in their minds. Film character Rambo was an attempt to raise their image.
Let us think why the U.S. is not alone in their attack Muslim countries see the small and poor as Afghanistan and Iraq? Iran may be next. The U.S. often involve European countries and some Asian countries to work together to attack the country. Actually, if viewed in terms of military strength and weapons, they can do alone?
This is the strategy of today's ultra kiasu, we try to further their interests. They know, if acting alone, so difficult to bear fruit.
Hence, various strategies used to find partners and melt hearts with their good show as if seen sincere, even before they are enemies of Islam expressly rejected the blanket.
A handful of people they want to be respected. They do not want our society to return the historical struggle of the past. What more if associated with the Malays and Islam. If possible, they want to say this country's history is multi-ethnic nature. None of the original owner. Lord of Aboriginal origin only.
Remember you all are ultra kiasu brother, is the history lesson about our past. As we learn more about the history of our own. The success of past generations can be learned and our passion for creating success today.
The failure of past generations may also be lessons and example that we do not repeat the same mistakes.
It is human nature, they are more concerned about is future than the past. While learning the history of the past. Why do we want to busy-busy in the past when it does not happen again.
In Islam, God wants us to learn and teaching, especially to those who see.
History of non-specialist surgeons, specialist roads or crime prevention specialist. Because people look to their complacency. History is actually more difficult than engineering and medical science. It can not be viewed by generations who do not pass over the design and creation.
History contains information about the people and communities and their behavior. If history does not matter why the ancestors become so important. Up there saying, heritage properties can be searched, but fathers can not be sold to purchase.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Should the memorial Tan Cheng Lock?
According to the statement the leaders of MCA, the National Archives have agreed to build a memorial Tan Cheng Lock, next to the Memorial Tunku Abdul Rahman. Extension of the first Parliament building in Jalan Dato 'Onn in Kuala Lumpur, will be converted into a memorial, which cost about RM10 million, starting next year.According to the MCA, the memorial service to commemorate an important national figure who is also their first president.
If so, my memory to the National Archives, in order to reflect back. I do not forbid, do not support. But remember, Malaysian politics is based on racial politics. Enough with the memorial a number of national leaders. I fear that soon, all the ethnic parties in the country, including Sabah and Sarawak also wanted the memorial built to commemorate their leader, no less deserving, according to the time traveled. Let alone in terms of rights, they are entitled, because they are indigenous.
We need to understand, all leaders in different epochs. It is less offensive if we said that history is an important moment of its independence only in assessing the contribution of one of the country.All the history of the struggle to defend the homeland from invasion traveled our country, is important. My question, what is the index (KPI) used in evaluating the contribution of a person, the actual history? historical truth? history of deliberate or extended for specific purposes?
In understanding the politics of Malaysia, we always play belitkan and history to narrow the scope of self-interest, people and party. No other purpose, that we or our nation's leaders looked great. Services not only remember a moment when the country achieved independence by August 31, 1957, until we forget the figures are more meritorious before it? Why are we evaluating shallow and appreciate the history?
Remember, not only the history of the Malay-started in 1940, but the history of the struggle for independence had begun since the start of Malaya 'occupied'. I was not comfortable using the word 'occupied'.Malaya did not invade directly in the context of the real for the institution of Malay rulers still existed, except the states of the Straits. Meaning, the history of the struggle began before the independent homeland for hundreds of years ago, far more important, because many lives lost and blood spilled to worship the earth.
In short, against the colonial history began before the mass migration occurs. The Malays, Islam has a long rise, but still managed to drive the full occupation, but their sacrifice is not a standard compare. To me, they are more deserving than others. Take a look at the background I have some figures, such as Tok Beard, Dato Maharaja lela, Mat Salleh, Dato 'Bahaman, Mat Kilau and many others before it.Why call only if the country's independence history, then the head of our minds is the stereotypical faces every year?
By independence leaders equally as Dato Onn Jaafar, Dr Burhanuddin Helmi, Ahmad Boestamam, Mustapha Hussein, and many more rarely mentioned. To me, they are also entitled to set up a memorial, because they were defending their lives. While the moment of independence is a negotiation process occurs after the pressure, demands and struggles before. Let us review the historical moments between 1940-1948, who is actually a freedom fighter? Who is against the Malayan Union? Is the Muslim Malay, Malayan People's Anti-Japanese Army (MPAJA), MCA, MIC or the Communist Party of Malaya?
Sometimes I do not know whether those at the National Archives knew or responsibilities and scope their work.
Remember the figures are not necessarily to build the memorial.Many other methods can be used. Prior to that, I would think, write and understand the past history of the Malay well. Do not also political. Hearts of the people who study the history of due care and literacy as well.
After this I fear there are those who claim that the memorial Lim Chong Eu (Movement), Tan Siew Sin (MCA) followed by subsequent leaders. Do not look at people their own fun. 1Malaysia idea, we want to see and care for other people. The first movement leaders like Syed Hussien Al-Atas, the contribution is rarely mentioned. I suggest magnified Memorial Tunku Abdul Rahman and download all the contributions of all the characters in a memorial, the memorial built for the memorial on specific names.
Enough with the memorial of the Malayan People's Anti-Japanese Army (MPAJA), which was erected without the consent of the state and central, but will also set up which has become the center of worship in the Garden of Remembrance value, although disputed by historical figures before, the role of MPAJA in the fight for independence. MPAJA claimed by some as a freedom fighter, wal actual case. MPAJA is a wing of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) is ambitious for control of Malaya when the Japanese surrendered.The existence of this left-wing parties due to their hostility to Japan is not about freeing the Malay Peninsula.
We must remember that every figure has a legend of their own because they live in different times. We can not equate the role of Tunku the role of Mahathir, for example because they struggle at different times. If that is the valuations, I would say Mahathir's services more than Tunku services, as Mahathir became PM later than the Tunku. Certainly contributed more time to lead the country.Kitapun been able to see the results today. What we will build the memorial each PM and the leaders of the party? I fear that after this country is filled with memorials.
I think it's time we plan to build the future by ensuring that people understand the real history of the talks to build a memorial. By increasing our memorial will be more patriotic. What is more important is organizing agenda to instill patriotism among the people.Make sure they mencinta country more than love people, love the national language more than language itself, the school loved all over the school itself. Caring for a leader who died because too many sacrifices from the leaders who have sacrificed, but not killed.
To me, all the leaders in his honor entitled to be remembered, because they are privileged to be elected a leader. But we are not too aware of, and thus said: "If there is no Tunku, Cheng Lock and Sambhantan independent nation will not." Leaders come and go. Grow lost Patah changed. Some of the leaders have their own legend and his honor. World and the country will continue to move and rotate over time. Coating and are not to be served afterwards.
Who is the rule, the struggle must continue. Countries will continue to develop. We can not be static and rigid. North Korea continued to fear the world even if we assume that their leader is not democratic and outdated with the understanding komunisnya. True, the people and relatively poor country, but they are happy and proud of the power of nuclear technologies and their defense to frighten the West.Will it have less campurnya? Weak there, loud here. The purpose, there are advantages and disadvantages. Leaders they served, even though the world may condemn.
Hitler is said to be cruel and wrong is still served in his time. Most do not, at least to remind Hitler and the Jews who realize we really?Remember we are the words of Hitler why he was acting to kill the Jews in his book 'Mein Kampf'? He said: "I can kill all Jews when I was in charge. But I left a little to you. Why? that you recognize the Jews, and find the answer why I kill the Jews. "
Hitler's words are a great means for us to learn and study the Jewish psiki. Why this Jew can become a powerful nation despite the very small numbers. Jews were not pentingkan individual services, but the Jews are concerned about the country and the future and survival of their nation. Strength properties that make this very prominent, especially in information technology and defense. Why do we think to that?
I study a little arrogant nation psiki this. When they successfully stepped in Palestine, Jews and defense technology to develop them first. These properties are also copied by the ultra kiasu south of the country. Once they are really strong, then they develop other sources.Today Israel has proven to be a successful world power. Although the country is just as much as ants, but feared the country of elephants.Israel captured the whole world is watching the ship humanitarian aid mission to Gaza. Who dare to reprove Israel? Israel has become too strong to be difficult to penetrate. This little country has become too strong to be difficult to overcome in the event of war.
So as we see them as brave, including the country's ultra kiasu.Everyday we hear they are invading the air space and sovereignty of our country. What can we do? We can only give a warning for the warning. But are ignored? Our brave fire fighters of their ship after clear invading our sovereignty? I think we will be bold if we force than or equal to this small Jewish. But our strength with the Jews is very much smaller in terms of armament and defense technology. They are rarely damaged the submarine, while the new submarines we buy are damaged. That's not including the jet engine was missing. Imagine when the war actually happened, when jet fighters want to move, suddenly the engine can not be turned on, look, we know how it looks new jet can not fly because the engine is missing. Can we survive then?
Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, Politics Research Group and the Islamic civilization, UPNM cum Secretary General of the Malaysian Islamic Chamber of Commerce. Writing is a personal opinion writers
If so, my memory to the National Archives, in order to reflect back. I do not forbid, do not support. But remember, Malaysian politics is based on racial politics. Enough with the memorial a number of national leaders. I fear that soon, all the ethnic parties in the country, including Sabah and Sarawak also wanted the memorial built to commemorate their leader, no less deserving, according to the time traveled. Let alone in terms of rights, they are entitled, because they are indigenous.
We need to understand, all leaders in different epochs. It is less offensive if we said that history is an important moment of its independence only in assessing the contribution of one of the country.All the history of the struggle to defend the homeland from invasion traveled our country, is important. My question, what is the index (KPI) used in evaluating the contribution of a person, the actual history? historical truth? history of deliberate or extended for specific purposes?
In understanding the politics of Malaysia, we always play belitkan and history to narrow the scope of self-interest, people and party. No other purpose, that we or our nation's leaders looked great. Services not only remember a moment when the country achieved independence by August 31, 1957, until we forget the figures are more meritorious before it? Why are we evaluating shallow and appreciate the history?
Remember, not only the history of the Malay-started in 1940, but the history of the struggle for independence had begun since the start of Malaya 'occupied'. I was not comfortable using the word 'occupied'.Malaya did not invade directly in the context of the real for the institution of Malay rulers still existed, except the states of the Straits. Meaning, the history of the struggle began before the independent homeland for hundreds of years ago, far more important, because many lives lost and blood spilled to worship the earth.
In short, against the colonial history began before the mass migration occurs. The Malays, Islam has a long rise, but still managed to drive the full occupation, but their sacrifice is not a standard compare. To me, they are more deserving than others. Take a look at the background I have some figures, such as Tok Beard, Dato Maharaja lela, Mat Salleh, Dato 'Bahaman, Mat Kilau and many others before it.Why call only if the country's independence history, then the head of our minds is the stereotypical faces every year?
By independence leaders equally as Dato Onn Jaafar, Dr Burhanuddin Helmi, Ahmad Boestamam, Mustapha Hussein, and many more rarely mentioned. To me, they are also entitled to set up a memorial, because they were defending their lives. While the moment of independence is a negotiation process occurs after the pressure, demands and struggles before. Let us review the historical moments between 1940-1948, who is actually a freedom fighter? Who is against the Malayan Union? Is the Muslim Malay, Malayan People's Anti-Japanese Army (MPAJA), MCA, MIC or the Communist Party of Malaya?
Sometimes I do not know whether those at the National Archives knew or responsibilities and scope their work.
Remember the figures are not necessarily to build the memorial.Many other methods can be used. Prior to that, I would think, write and understand the past history of the Malay well. Do not also political. Hearts of the people who study the history of due care and literacy as well.
After this I fear there are those who claim that the memorial Lim Chong Eu (Movement), Tan Siew Sin (MCA) followed by subsequent leaders. Do not look at people their own fun. 1Malaysia idea, we want to see and care for other people. The first movement leaders like Syed Hussien Al-Atas, the contribution is rarely mentioned. I suggest magnified Memorial Tunku Abdul Rahman and download all the contributions of all the characters in a memorial, the memorial built for the memorial on specific names.
Enough with the memorial of the Malayan People's Anti-Japanese Army (MPAJA), which was erected without the consent of the state and central, but will also set up which has become the center of worship in the Garden of Remembrance value, although disputed by historical figures before, the role of MPAJA in the fight for independence. MPAJA claimed by some as a freedom fighter, wal actual case. MPAJA is a wing of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) is ambitious for control of Malaya when the Japanese surrendered.The existence of this left-wing parties due to their hostility to Japan is not about freeing the Malay Peninsula.
We must remember that every figure has a legend of their own because they live in different times. We can not equate the role of Tunku the role of Mahathir, for example because they struggle at different times. If that is the valuations, I would say Mahathir's services more than Tunku services, as Mahathir became PM later than the Tunku. Certainly contributed more time to lead the country.Kitapun been able to see the results today. What we will build the memorial each PM and the leaders of the party? I fear that after this country is filled with memorials.
I think it's time we plan to build the future by ensuring that people understand the real history of the talks to build a memorial. By increasing our memorial will be more patriotic. What is more important is organizing agenda to instill patriotism among the people.Make sure they mencinta country more than love people, love the national language more than language itself, the school loved all over the school itself. Caring for a leader who died because too many sacrifices from the leaders who have sacrificed, but not killed.
To me, all the leaders in his honor entitled to be remembered, because they are privileged to be elected a leader. But we are not too aware of, and thus said: "If there is no Tunku, Cheng Lock and Sambhantan independent nation will not." Leaders come and go. Grow lost Patah changed. Some of the leaders have their own legend and his honor. World and the country will continue to move and rotate over time. Coating and are not to be served afterwards.
Who is the rule, the struggle must continue. Countries will continue to develop. We can not be static and rigid. North Korea continued to fear the world even if we assume that their leader is not democratic and outdated with the understanding komunisnya. True, the people and relatively poor country, but they are happy and proud of the power of nuclear technologies and their defense to frighten the West.Will it have less campurnya? Weak there, loud here. The purpose, there are advantages and disadvantages. Leaders they served, even though the world may condemn.
Hitler is said to be cruel and wrong is still served in his time. Most do not, at least to remind Hitler and the Jews who realize we really?Remember we are the words of Hitler why he was acting to kill the Jews in his book 'Mein Kampf'? He said: "I can kill all Jews when I was in charge. But I left a little to you. Why? that you recognize the Jews, and find the answer why I kill the Jews. "
Hitler's words are a great means for us to learn and study the Jewish psiki. Why this Jew can become a powerful nation despite the very small numbers. Jews were not pentingkan individual services, but the Jews are concerned about the country and the future and survival of their nation. Strength properties that make this very prominent, especially in information technology and defense. Why do we think to that?
I study a little arrogant nation psiki this. When they successfully stepped in Palestine, Jews and defense technology to develop them first. These properties are also copied by the ultra kiasu south of the country. Once they are really strong, then they develop other sources.Today Israel has proven to be a successful world power. Although the country is just as much as ants, but feared the country of elephants.Israel captured the whole world is watching the ship humanitarian aid mission to Gaza. Who dare to reprove Israel? Israel has become too strong to be difficult to penetrate. This little country has become too strong to be difficult to overcome in the event of war.
So as we see them as brave, including the country's ultra kiasu.Everyday we hear they are invading the air space and sovereignty of our country. What can we do? We can only give a warning for the warning. But are ignored? Our brave fire fighters of their ship after clear invading our sovereignty? I think we will be bold if we force than or equal to this small Jewish. But our strength with the Jews is very much smaller in terms of armament and defense technology. They are rarely damaged the submarine, while the new submarines we buy are damaged. That's not including the jet engine was missing. Imagine when the war actually happened, when jet fighters want to move, suddenly the engine can not be turned on, look, we know how it looks new jet can not fly because the engine is missing. Can we survive then?
Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, Politics Research Group and the Islamic civilization, UPNM cum Secretary General of the Malaysian Islamic Chamber of Commerce. Writing is a personal opinion writers
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